It's Okay Not to Have All the Answers ...

Last month’s blog talked about taking the frequency of “confidence” and applying it to those areas where we would like to improve.  No doubt, if you have been working with the frequency consistently you have started to notice a shift.

However, what do we do if we don’t just lack confidence, but perhaps feel totally lost?  Sometimes a sense of security, thus confidence, is dependent upon knowing certain variables, so how do we move forward when it seems the answers are always out of reach?   Do you find that you are often battling against yourself, or worse beating yourself up because you don’t know where to go, what to do, who to talk to?  This is especially true when you are considering your life as it exists within the grand scheme of things. 

How do we find our place?  How do we understand our purpose?  It is in these times that we may often question our worth and our very validity.  Within this vacuum we may feel that without any answers, we are just zig-zagging along through life without any sense of authentic purpose or meaning.  It is an utterly lonely place to be.

It is in these times that we need to remember the interconnectedness of all things; that you are a part of the Universe – a shard off of the Divine Diamond of Life.  It is also important to remember that Life is Intelligent and not merely just a conglomeration of gears, wheels, and pulleys.  Its intelligence is exhibited by the absolute perfection of how the Universe operates and communicates amongst all parts of itself.  This Intelligence decries a static existence and demands expression, growth, and evolution.  You, too, are a part of this immense and incredible intelligence – whether or not you consciously have the answers.

Having been birthed in this Universe means that the Mind of the Universe needed you here when it came to its overall design and plan (which is an Eternal Plan, crossing all Time and all Space).  Though you may not recognize your value and worth in this journey by not having all the answers, the Creative Source does know your validity.  It totally knows your point and your purpose.  If you were not important or not vital, you would not have been born.  In some way – which you may not consciously comprehend – your existence was needed within the Divine Intelligence of the Universe.  For that reason alone, we can conclude that in those times of not knowing all the answers, it is “Okay to feel Lost,” because – let’s face it – the Universe is vast.  Though we may not necessarily have all the answers in regard to our place within it, the Universe does know, and thus has our back. 

When I put this question of feeling lost without answers to my team of spirit helpers and guides, they were quite sympathetic.  Spirit helpers know, too, how lost and insecure we feel – that is why they are here with us.  Let’s face it, Earth life is dense energetically, so there are challenges that come with that.  Our spirit teams understand we don’t have crystal clear answers and often have a hard time finding those Truths… That is why they work with us, to help us and guide us.  In other words, we do not have to put all the pressure on ourselves to simply “know the answers,” because all the variables (and thus those answers) are somewhat hidden from us by the very nature of this dense materialistic reality. 

In a way, we need to be open to not knowing everything, while simultaneously being available for the guidance that our spirit friends and helpers can give.  The pressure for us to come up with the answers is not entirely on our shoulders to bear, as we do have help.  Spirit teams often act “behind” our physical senses, so you don’t have to be psychic to benefit from them.  They assist by sending little nudges and hints that come through our gut, intuition, or what appears to be “random happenstance” (hint: there is no such thing as coincidence).  We do not have to consciously be engaged or even know our spirit guides in order to reap the rewards of their efforts.  They understand the “physical armor” we are shielded in and how that often blocks out the greater spiritual light.

First and foremost when it comes to our sense of being lost, it is important to remind yourself that you are worthwhile, otherwise you would not be here to begin with – nor would you have spirit guides and helpers to assist… Don’t cheapen their goals and work efforts by claiming not to be worthy. 

Ultimately, it is okay not to always know or have all the answers.  You are still valuable and worthwhile, nonetheless.  You are still needed.  You are still wanted. 

Plus – NOBODY has all the answers.  We are all like little puzzle pieces trying to figure out what the finished picture is so we can understand our place within it.  Unfortunately, our position on the table doesn’t afford us the view to see the whole puzzle, or even intuit what it’s supposed to look like when all the pieces are put together!  But don’t forget – whatever that final thing is, when all the pieces are in place, it could not be complete without you.  And that you do have unseen guides and helpers making sure you interlock perfectly with your fellow pieces.  Be okay with not knowing; be free to accept the work efforts of your Spirit team. 

Know you are not alone.  Let go.  It’s Okay Not to Know Everything.