The Multidimensional Act of Creation

As many of you know, during much of the pandemic isolation I have been studying the aspect of the Great Spirit within each of us.  In this research, I have become obsessed with the interconnectedness of all life.  I have become enthralled by the realization that this unity gives access to avenues of information, wisdom, and emotion that has been present since the birth of time and which we have largely ignored, since we are so hypnotized by the materialized universe in our present day-to-day struggles.  However, being as that we are truly beyond time and space at the very foundation of our being (whether inside or outside of a body), it is such an important reminder to become aware that we are wrapped up with that knowledge, wisdom, and emotion that put all the planets into solar orbits; that created the inter-related processes needed for life to form and flourish everywhere; and to which our own individual consciousness rises out of to meet the structure of this reality.  We need to realize we are tapped into that Great Spirit and do have a relationship with it, which can provide for a much richer, grander experience. 


We have heard over and over again that we are co-creators.  Many of us are quite familiar with the tenets of the Law of Attraction.  Yet to me, the truth is that not only are we dealing with a Natural Law, we are dealing with a Great Mind – one that is eternally larger than us, but also incorporates us into its neural networks.  We are encompassed within – and therefore have access to – this immense creative wisdom and it is asking us to put it to use. 


Now obviously, our conscious mind is not capable of handling the immensity of such thinking.  Our individual minds are really only suited to deal with the current focus of experience in physical reality.  We cannot even follow the processes it takes to pick up a pencil – the firing of the neural networks, sparking of the nervous system, which muscles expand and contract, how the blood flows to inspire such movement, etc. – nor were we meant to.  This process – from thought to physical expression, whether in our bodies or the greater body of our personal experiences – contains hidden processes the conscious mind was not designed to understand or control.  We need to realize that this is how it was meant to be… The conscious mind was created to interface with the physical universe in order to gain experience.  That is, it was meant to perceive, assess, then make judgments and choices; it wasn’t meant to understand every nitty-gritty process for how to create the experience.   Again, creation requires far too many specifics for the conscious mind to fathom.  It would implode due to the avalanche of data needed. 


Yet in today’s world, we think the best way to create change is to figure out the mechanics -- look “under the hood” so to speak so we can try to figure out how to manipulate the parts.  That being said, let us realize that even though our conscious mind may not have all the specifics, the larger Mind of which we are couched does know.  It created All Life, All Functionality, All Processes… And you are connected to it.  Though your conscious mind may have gaps in terms of its knowledge of how to consciously create an object or an event, this larger Mind that you are connected to does not have any such gaps – it knows precisely what to do.  Its “rationality” has all the specifics, for they are not hidden within its design and are clearly well known.  Its rationality is so massive, it knows how to work in the specific impulses to inspire action, what data to provide in dreams in order to move you to awareness, how to bring about those “chance meetings,” how to use all other forms of life in an inter-related way to move in accord with the intention, or whatever else is necessary (no matter how staggering the odds), for physical realization to happen.    


We pride ourselves in this century upon the notion of our “rational” thinking.  The truth is, if we want to have “faith” and “trust” in rationality, we must come to have faith and trust in the workings of this larger mind of the Great Spirit of which we are a part of.  It understands “rationality” in its multidimensional aspect – wholly – while our conscious minds can only consider it in light of a limited understanding of existence.  We try to fit the “rational workings of the universe” with our current conceptions of the cosmos, without acknowledging that our current conceptions lack vital details, is filled with holes that we do not understand (and perhaps are not meant to fully comprehend).  In other words, we still have vistas of ignorance of how this dimension truly operates, yet we try to “squeeze” into this limited and unknown framework what we think is going on, ignoring the gaps in knowledge we know we have.  It is rather reckless, in that regard.  It is certainly faulty. 


The mind of the Great Spirit speaks to a “multidimensional and universal” rationality.  It is wider and more expansive than what a limited conscious mind can perceive. 


When humanity started to turn the perception of reality into a mechanized universe that was put into place by “accident” or “coincidence”, it failed to account for the immense wisdom, inherent knowledge, and emotional awareness that is the backbone of the universe’s life.  In other words, “science” killed the Great Spirit – both within the universe and by extension our own souls.  Matter was more or less dead, lacking any intelligence at first, then produced life and subsequent thought when massed together.  It is completely backwards and irrational in its understanding.  What the scientific philosophy is saying is “two or more inert (dead) things combined and suddenly created life.”  No.  That is ridiculous.  If something is inert, there is nothing there to produce volition, thus life.  It has to be alive to begin with. 


The so-called “rational” approach is pitting unlearned, ignorant, and ultimately “dead” matter into a pattern that is somehow supposed to magically “come to life” when that pattern reaches a certain “coincidental” threshold.  How outlandish! 


Energy is already alive.  It is already intelligent.  It is already emotional.   No such attributes would be in existence if they weren’t already inherently available.  The current model of “rationality” denies the unseen universe this life, so we are predisposed not to trust it or have faith in its ability to work for us.  We waste precious energy and time trying to figure out how to “do it for ourselves” because we don’t believe there is an alive life force of energy and multidimensional thought able to work on our behalf.


But that force has always been there.  The nature of spirit – yours, mine, the Great Spirit – at its foundation is invisible.  It cannot be seen with the naked eye, it can only be experienced by its impact through matter.  We know this within ourselves – you can cut through any portion of your body, every organ, and still not find the essence of YOU, only an expression through the tissue.  Yet it is from this invisible dimension where this physical reality bursts fully into formation.  It is from this invisible location where the mechanics and all the knowledge of physical manifestation works itself out… Where Spirit has thought through all the processes that evolved humanity from living in the trees to living in high-rise skyscrapers.  The energy, though invisible outside the range of our human physical body, is (at the risk of sounding repetitive), alive, intelligent, and moving.    


What we are doing as invisible spiritual beings in a manifest physical universe is utilizing our own invisible consciousness within the invisible field of probabilities and manipulating this alive, intelligent energy, until it reaches a pitch or “thickness” that our physical senses correspond with.  That correspondence is when it becomes “physical.”  We are creating energy patterns that – with continued focus and awareness upon – get “loud” enough to be perceived by the nerve structure of the physical body.  The nerve structure actually has a hand in creating them, as our thoughts “program” the nerve endings like a type of hypnosis. 


Now, all this happens quite naturally and automatically, just as all of our bodily functions work to keep our lungs breathing, blood flowing, and muscles to move when it comes to picking up that pencil.  It’s only because we step into the middle of the process thinking we need to control it or force it because we think the universe is just “static dead” matter, devoid of any real “intelligence”, and in so doing screw things up.  In the rare event that we do imbue the universe with intelligence, we usually relegate it to instinct only, still a mechanical type of process, instead of considering the multidimensional complexity of such awareness it would take to initiate a perfectly timed event that our conscious mind could only perceive as “coincidence.” 




If we as a limited conscious mind can think in a complex, rational way, then that complexity had to come out of an even greater web of awareness and knowledge – highly more evolved and dimensional than our own (especially when we factor in the knowledge needed to form the interrelated workings of a collective ecosystem, planet, solar system, and larger universe).  Yet we don’t allow the alive, thinking, and emotional components of this Great Spirit to do its work with us personally because we don’t believe it exists (on some level of our own “rational” thought).  Thus, we interfere.  We get in the way.  We deny its infinite intelligence and our ability to co-create with it, which keeps the process from happening the way it normally would within the function of our daily lives.


In a very strange way, over the course of the last few centuries we have denied the “aliveness” of the universe, thus the Great Spirit – and by extension, the very life-force of our own Selves.  Yes, we see life.  We acknowledge growth and evolution.  Yet we claim it is purely by “accident” or “happenstance,” and at its base, the constituent foundations are considered “inert” or “unalive.”  We treat each thing as an isolated system, yet we also know everything is interrelated and reacts to all life forms everywhere – so it is truly “open” and not “closed.”  What a contradiction!  This openness of the system cries out for declaration of its intelligence, its ultimate wisdom, its emotional drive for goodness and expansive joy across all life forms everywhere.  Yet we have visualized and believed ourselves “out of” this divine home.  We have, in essence, driven ourselves from the garden. 


This intelligence of the Great Spirit is not a wisdom that is sitting dormant, waiting for use.  It is aware, energized, and predisposed to action at all times.  It awaits requests from the minds of soul-life as to the forms it shall complete; the thought-patterns it will replicate.  It does this with joyful abandon.  It is designed to create where our conscious minds are designed to make assessments of that creation, as we are unfolding ourselves with its help.  We need to start acknowledging the workings of this Great Spirit,  thereby granting ourselves our own place within its makeup.


Science has its place.  It has opened doors to levels of understanding which has blossomed certain areas of experience, provided us with amazing creations to enhance life and prolong health.  I consider myself rather biased toward science, or at least the foundations of logic.  But we must also acknowledge -- science does not have all the answers; it still contains massive gaps of knowledge, and at times has missed asking the right questions.  The approach only goes so far as to what can be perceived… so it misses the primary basis of existence and how it’s created… The intelligence and life force that is invisible to the body’s limited senses, thus the infinite intelligence and the workings behind it.  But each of us – scientist, philosopher, spiritualist, atheist – are all connected and are a part of this Great Spirit.  Let us embrace that and real-ize the nature of that sacred relationship.