COVID-19: A Lesson About Communication with the Other Side?

This upcoming holiday season may be the darkest and most dreary for many of us – perhaps the darkest in our lifetimes.  With a raging pandemic that has already claimed over a quarter of a million lives in the United States, and nearly 1.5 million around the world, it has cast a shadow over everything we do.  It has forced us to rethink our behaviors and how we approach interacting with friends and loved ones.  For those who have already lost loved ones to this virus, or who will be combating its symptoms over the course of the next few weeks and into the New Year’s holiday season, or for those who have already moved through the disease but are still suffering from its after-effects, the sense of “cheer” and holiday “celebration” may have already evaporated before it took form…. All of this, on top of the pressure that already manifests for people during this time of year, virus or not, makes the 2020 holiday season the most challenging in my own lifetime.  For the rest of us, in order to remain healthy, we have already made plans to skip the usual family gatherings; to remain isolated and resort to holiday wishes via Skype or Zoom video calls. 


To that end, we are lucky.


Yes, it is dark.  It is dreary.  It is depressing to remain apart from our loved ones in order to keep ourselves and them healthy, safe, and alive.  But thanks to the marvels of technology, we can still see and talk to them and maintain a semblance of the bonds that unite us. 


This holiday season will be trying because it forces many of us to practice an enforced type of separation.  But for those that have passed into the world of spirit, it will not be nearly as hard for us who can communicate via internet than it is for them.  For those on the Other Side, whether victims of the virus or not, whether passing away in 2020 or 1955, the separation is much more stark.  The separation that we are feeling due to the virus has put into perspective the possibility of frustration that can exist for those on the Other Side during every holiday season, not just this one.  Of course, after their life review and gaining a hoped-for wider vision of life’s mysteries, they are not nearly as confounded at the separation imposed by death as we are with the virus – but still, they surely long to be with us while in spirit just as we are with our friends and loved ones who are remaining isolated due to the pandemic.  In 2020, I believe they want to be with us even more, to help us turn the corner in this dark page of human history.


In fact, I know they are. 


Reading after reading, it is clear our loved ones in spirit are always near, no matter the season or outer conditions.  Because they have survived, they know that their link with us will always be there – death does not divide; rather, it is only a temporary separation.  Nevertheless, attempts at communication are always much more challenging than simply booting up the computer and making sure the audio and camera are working.  In that sense, there must indeed be a type of frustration that our spirit friends endure for the years we remain on separate energetic fields of experience.  So while we languish in the 2020 season of social distancing, realize our loved ones in spirit are forced to remain in a type of “social distancing” and “isolation” that is really much more daunting.  They absolutely love us.  They try to do whatever they can to tell us… but they don’t have the conveniences that we do. 


We can connect virtually. 

It appears a handful of vaccines are on the way. 

Eventually, we will be able to reunite with friends and family still with us. 


For those on the Other Side, they must rely on energetic attempts through consciousness to communicate and hope their loved ones receive the cues.  The thing is, consciousness is tricky – it is always fluctuating and never static – so it is impossible to know how the communication will flow and present itself during the process of trying to get information across the great divide … Will it be like high definition audio and video?  Or spotty, static, and perhaps even freeze up?  And what about those people who don’t believe we survive?  It’s like denying the existence of computer technology and so miss out on the Zoom and Skype services available … How do you think those on the Other Side feel when the people they left behind don’t believe in an afterlife, thus would never be open to receiving their communications through the auspices of consciousness?


That makes every season dark.  Not just this one.


Rest assured, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. 


For the virus, we have vaccines. 


For those on the Other Side, we have Eternity. 


But meanwhile, in both cases, we must endure the separation and communicate as best we can to reaffirm our bonds.