Corona Virus

COVID-19 in the ICU: They Are Not Alone

COVID-19 in the ICU:  They Are Not Alone

When all of humanity faces a crisis, we are truly not alone. Legions of spirit helpers are currently surrounding the globe, all with different assignments. Some of them are sending energy to help calm people’s nerves, others are helping doctors to find a vaccine, and then there are those others who are helping those who unfortunately succumb and pass.

The Spiritual Roots of Pandemic

The Spiritual Roots of Pandemic

This is a long post, but if you’re self-quarantining, then –hey – you’ve got the time.

When we attempt to gain glimpse of the tributaries of consciousness feeding the global consciousness ocean of humanity, where have we been going these last few years and decades? In conscious creation philosophy, the Corona Virus is an effect based on the tipping point of such frequency density.