mediumship readings

COVID-19 in the ICU: They Are Not Alone

COVID-19 in the ICU:  They Are Not Alone

When all of humanity faces a crisis, we are truly not alone. Legions of spirit helpers are currently surrounding the globe, all with different assignments. Some of them are sending energy to help calm people’s nerves, others are helping doctors to find a vaccine, and then there are those others who are helping those who unfortunately succumb and pass.

Are We Holding Them Back?

Are We Holding Them Back?

It’s a question that comes up every now and then during the course of a mediumship reading.  If we are always sending our thoughts and feelings toward our loved ones in spirit and hoping that they remain with us, are we holding them back?  Are we keeping them from moving forward – as if we are somehow taking control of their spirit and forcing them to remain here without any will-power of their own?

The Effort for Spirit Communication

The Effort for Spirit Communication

There is definitely a difference in frequency within the world that we inhabit and the spiritual realms where we go after we shed the body.  That frequency variance has to be taken into account when it comes to the communication process; a person’s thoughts must come with a level of intensity to move from one frequency layer to another, enough that it can be “grabbed” by the frequency modulation of the medium.  We must acknowledge the effort this must take.