
The Message of Unrest

The Message of Unrest

Unending patterns of unrest. When I sat back and contemplated what’s been happening in the world – rise of authoritarianism, pandemic disease, 120,000+ dead Americans, economic collapse, politicization of wearing masks, protests surrounding abuse and inequality – I could not help but notice the continuing crescendo of forces pounding at the doors of our spirits. At times it seems like all of this has come to devour us.

I believe it has. And it must.

What If My Loved One in Spirit has Reincarnated?

What If My Loved One in Spirit has Reincarnated?

It’s a question I get asked at every mediumship demonstration.  “What if my loved one is no longer in Heaven, but they have reincarnated back on earth?”  When we review Time from a linear perspective, this question is a logical concern.  We perceive reality moment-by-moment, where the “present” disappears into a perceived “past” and the “future” has not yet opened up to become an experienced “Now” moment.

However, we have been told by those in spirit – and which subsequently is now being confirmed by theoretical physics – Time does not flow in the way we think.

Are We Holding Them Back?

Are We Holding Them Back?

It’s a question that comes up every now and then during the course of a mediumship reading.  If we are always sending our thoughts and feelings toward our loved ones in spirit and hoping that they remain with us, are we holding them back?  Are we keeping them from moving forward – as if we are somehow taking control of their spirit and forcing them to remain here without any will-power of their own?

Spirit Communication: It's Not About the Medium

Spirit Communication:  It's Not About the Medium

When we watch mediums demonstrate, it can be easy to place the kudos for the information on them.  There’s nothing wrong with being excited and congratulatory about the magnitude and intricacies of a message (especially if you’re the medium delivering it).   However, it’s important to note:  The medium is not the message.

The Effort for Spirit Communication

The Effort for Spirit Communication

There is definitely a difference in frequency within the world that we inhabit and the spiritual realms where we go after we shed the body.  That frequency variance has to be taken into account when it comes to the communication process; a person’s thoughts must come with a level of intensity to move from one frequency layer to another, enough that it can be “grabbed” by the frequency modulation of the medium.  We must acknowledge the effort this must take.