New Years Resolution: Better Service to YOUR SPIRIT

It’s tradition to come up with a New Year’s resolution.  For many we do our best to uphold it, but oftentimes lose sight of it as the year goes on.  It does take discipline to hold a desire for change and work through it.  However, for myself, my resolution isn’t geared toward my own well-being or personal change, it is really geared toward YOU.  And though I might give up on myself when it comes to a resolution, it is not in my nature to give up on others. 


You see, when I started my Spiritual Exploration business, it was never meant to be strictly about my services as a medium.  No, it was about the nature of exploring one’s spirit altogether – which encompasses far more than the afterlife and reaching out to bring through communications from departed loved ones.  That’s a wonderful gift, but spiritual exploration is much more than that.


You and I are spirits alive NOW.  Here.  In the physical world.  And spiritual exploration embraces all of that, too.  What are we “really” when it comes to our spirit?  What is the nature of our unfoldment?  Our relationships to others as well as our Self within a spiritual context?  If what I do is to offer a Spiritual Exploration resource, it’s important to present possibilities and services in those areas (as well as mediumship).


So, my New Year’s resolution is to provide a MORE EXPANDED SERVICE geared toward YOUR SPIRITUAL EXPLORATION.  This has already begun with the re-launch of my YouTube channel, with motivational and inspirational videos that will be released every Thursday focused specifically on our journeys and experiences here as an expression of the Divine.  These vignettes are a culmination of over 30+ years studying metaphysics, spirituality, new thought – from as far back as the 1800’s with the founders of spiritualism and the scientists who studied them, all the way to today with spiritual teachers such as Deepak Chopra and the incomparable Alan Watts.  Told with curated visual footage and accompanied with a dynamic musical score, these videos will keep your appetite for your own spiritual exploration and personal unfoldment going throughout the new year.  I already have over 6 months of material wrapped “in the can” and am creating new works each week – so this is not a quick flash that will soon vanish.  Not at all!  (I honestly have so much FUN putting them together!)


You will also notice some changes on the website.  Some of it is purely aesthetic, as a way of “branding” that matches the YouTube channel.  The key UPGRADE though, is a new page to SHOPHere, you will find products specifically for the exploration of your own spirit.  These are all DIGITAL DOWNLOADS at rock bottom prices (spiritual exploration doesn’t have to be expensive).  There are informational documents, guided audio meditations, and video presentations.  More items will be added throughout the year, all geared toward informing, inspiring, and being of greater service in 2024 toward your personal spiritual unfoldment.  Do take a quick peek and see if there might already be something there for you!


It has always been my honor and pleasure to help people explore the spiritual potentials of eternal life through the process of mediumship.  I am equally excited to share the other aspects of our spiritual journeys right here on earth! 


Happy New Year!